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Sherlock (2002)

Released: 25 Oct 2002 IMDb: tt0337593 Country: USA, Romania, UK Runtime: 100 min Genres: Action, Adventure, Crime Source: DVD Panda rating: Not yet rated The game is afoot. This made for cable movie focuses on the young 20-something Sherlock Holmes. As the movie opens, Sherlock is in pursuit of the evil Moriarty and apparently shoots him to death, but his body cannot be found as he falls in a sewer. Ah, but anyone who knows the Holmes mythos knows that Moriarty is not so easily killed. Nonetheless, Holmes gains notoriety with the press and the police for his apparent killing of the evil Moriarty. This ac... Director: Graham Theakston Actors: Gabrielle Anwar, James D'Arcy, Roger Morlidge, Vincent D'Onofrio IMDb Rating: 6.1 ( based on 684 votes )
